draft Civil Aviation Policy was released by the Honorable Minister of Civil
Aviation – Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati yesterday. I had a lot of hopes from
the policy since the last decade was plagued with policy paralysis in the Indian
government. There is a stiff competition between which sectors suffered the
most – Coal, Telecom, Industry or Aviation. The perceived scam in purchase of
Air India aircraft, merger of Air India & Indian Airlines, lack of efforts
to abolish the 5/20 rule( airlines require minimum 20 aircraft and 5 years of
domestic operations to start flying international), non-classification of ATF
(Aviation Turbine Fuel) into declared goods category attracting uniform 4% tax
across the country, decision to go ahead with redevelopment of Chennai &
Kolkata airports by AAI – leading to the disaster that they are today, as
compared to world class facilities at Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad & Bengaluru,
and many more. The list is unending.
prima facie the draft policy looks like listing of all problems that need to be
resolved and have been in that state for a long time. The policy only highlights
the problems without laying down the solutions or ways & means to tackle
the problems. It promises to look after taxation issues on ATF, the 5/20 rule
and route dispersal guidelines, but gives little on how and when this will be
is a common saying – “The more things change, the more they remain the same”.
Unfortunately I do not know who this saying is attributed to, but when you see
the Strategic 5 year plan of the past government presented by the then MoCA
(Minister of Civil Aviation) in 2010 and the Draft Civil aviation policy of
this government, one tends to agree with the statement. Both start with quoting
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) statistics of generation of
610 indirect jobs for every 100 direct jobs in aviation.
Strategic Plan 2010-2015 talks about Indian being recognized as a role model by
FAA, which today has downgraded the safety rating to Category 2, Inclusion of
500 more aircraft in Indian skies and 300 more helicopters, One helipad every
100kms on highways, and many more, most of which continue to be Aspirational –
similar to the section under which it is quoted in the Strategic Plan.
new Draft policy talks about having airports as integrated multi-modal hubs
with Rail / Road / Metro connectivity, access to manufacturing, business &
tourism areas, up-gradation of 18 airports which amount to 86% of traffic,
developing the 6 metro airports to have a hub & spoke model,
Rationalization of ATF costs by having uniform taxes, Development of 6 metro
airports as cargo hubs, Listing of AAI & Pawan Hans, changing the regional
connectivity policy and reviewing the 5/20 rule, Air Navigation System &
up-gradation of DGCA.
these are welcome moves, the Revised Route Dispersal guidelines, which were
formulated by a leading consulting firm are pending implementation for over two years, due to
disagreement between carriers on the nature of the requirements. The airport at
Bengaluru located about 40kms away from the city center recently got decent
road connectivity. The rail connectivity envisioned while construction of
airport is still elusive, many of the 35 non metro airports which saw
modernization are already facing shortage of space (Eg: Jaipur) or are white
elephants and AAI is incurring huge losses at these places (Eg: Aurangabad,
Hub & Spoke model has been a success as Delhi – since there is no other
airport in the vicinity which can attract so much traffic, but the same does
not work well in the south, where Bengaluru, Chennai & Hyderabad compete
fiercely with each other. So while SpiceJet based their Q400s in Hyderabad, a
lot of the destinations are connected from Bengaluru and Air Asia changed plans
and moved to Bengaluru from Chennai, yet there is no perfect Hub & Spoke at
either of these places like there is at Delhi.
all has not been bad, implementation of GAGAN, changes in Air Navigation System
and subsequent trials at Jaipur, up-gradation of ATC infrastructure at Mumbai
and increase in runway capacity, are some of the silver linings.
can only hope that the draft Civil Aviation policy gets into some tangible
project plan, which is implemented phase wise with bounded timelines and the
next 3-5 years, would see a serious change in the infrastructure & policy
in Indian civil aviation. As more airlines take to skies, the pressure on
infrastructure would be immense and similar to the boom in 2005-6 which most of
us remember well and would hope is not repeated.
A very balanced assessment of the 'Policy'.